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Helplines in Chile.

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Struggling to deal with the effects of physical illness? Get support from a hotline in Chile

A chronic, life-altering, or life-threatening diagnosis can come as a shock. The effects of physical illness may make it hard to maintain a positive mental, emotional and spiritual outlook. There are counselors and volunteers at 2 helplines in Chile who you can confide in when you feel:

  • Denial, reluctance or an inability to accept your diagnosis or medical condition.
  • Afraid about the uncertainty of life and the pain you may feel from your symptoms.
  • Shame and sadness about becoming a burden to others.
  • Frustration and anger about the uncertainty and disabilities associated with your illness.
  • Like a burden to friends or family, and no longer a valuable member of society.
  • Anxiety, tension, fear, sadness and helplessness about your condition and what the future holds.
  • That life isn’t worth living, given the limitations and pain associated with your medical condition.
  • Depression about the life you've lost, things you cannot do, and places you cannot go.

Illness is usually unexpected, and it sometimes seems unfair. Perhaps the news or consequences of your illness has made you feel numb with shock and disappointment, or overwhelmed with powerful emotions. The inability to think straight or function may make you feel frustrated, anguished or useless. You are still valued.

Physical illness can bring emotional challenges that are hard to face without proper support. In Chile, you can contact a helpline to speak with a counselor or volunteer who cares and understands how physical illness can impact on mental health. Asking for help does not mean that you're weak – it simply shows that you are human.

Information about free, accessible mental health support anywhere, anytime from ThroughLine in partnership with Paramount.

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